CCi studentS IS FOR YOU IF you:

Have a passion for ministry

Would like to see the church become a powerful force of transformation in society

Need help in navigating the complexities of this fast-changing reality?

Would like to get behind the scenes exposure to prepare you for this world?

We are passionate about transforming cities into places where God reigns.

We are deeply committed to raising and equipping the next
generation of ministry leaders to carry forward the transformative power of the Gospel into all areas of society.

We want to cultivate in you a faith worth embracing, a word worth listening to and a life worth imitating. (Heb 13:7 – AMPC)


We believe in reproducing the next generation of godly leaders. Our approach involves supporting leaders from all spheres of society who share this vision. We see ourselves as partners in their mission, providing the tools, training, and resources necessary to nurture and develop future leaders who will make a lasting impact for God’s kingdom.

Christ-centred Trinitarian Worldview

Our educational framework is deeply rooted in a Christ-centred Trinitarian worldview. This means that our teachings and practices are focused on understanding and embodying the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We aim to instil this comprehensive and balanced theological perspective in our students, ensuring they are well-equipped to navigate and minister effectively in a diverse and complex world.

When you join CCI students, you can expect:

comprehensive training

We offer robust and holistic training programs designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and spiritual maturity needed for effective ministry.

mentorship & support

Our students are entrusted to experienced leaders or field experts who provide mentorship and guidance. We take responsibility for facilitating this process, ensuring you receive personalized support and encouragement throughout your journey.

transformational learning

Our curriculum is designed to foster personal and spiritual growth, encouraging you to develop a deep and abiding relationship with God and a strong sense of purpose in your ministry. This will enable you to put in place foundations that will last a lifetime.

community & networking

You will become part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals committed to transforming cities and societies for God’s glory. This network provides invaluable opportunities for collaboration, inspiration, and mutual support.
We are dedicated to a comprehensive and holistic approach to training the next generation of ministry leaders. Our five-fold approach integrates academic excellence, practical ministry experience, a deep understanding of our mandate, leadership development, and continuous mentorship. This approach ensures that our graduates are well-prepared to make a significant impact in their communities and beyond.


We offer an internationally accredited Bachelor of Theology (BTh) degree through our partnership with the South African Theological Seminary (SATS). This rigorous academic program provides a strong theological foundation, equipping students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary for effective ministry. Our curriculum is designed to foster intellectual growth and spiritual maturity, ensuring that our graduates are well-versed in Biblical principles and theological concepts.

practical ministry experience

Practical exposure, training, and evaluation in ministry are integral components of our program. Our students gain hands-on experience at our local Doxa Deo campuses, where they have the opportunity to apply their learning in real-world ministry settings. This practical training is complemented by continuous evaluation and feedback, helping students to refine their skills and grow in their ministry capabilities.

understanding the city changer mandate

We impart a thorough understanding of the City Changer Mandate, values, and strategy. Our students learn how to integrate these principles into their ministry, empowering them to transform cities and societies for God’s glory. This mandate is at the core of our philosophy, guiding our approach to leadership and ministry training.

Leadership development

Our desire is to raise and develop leaders for ministry who are equipped to lead with vision, integrity,
and compassion. We focus on nurturing leadership qualities that are essential for effective ministry,
such as strategic thinking, decision-making, and servant leadership. Our program is designed to
prepare students to take on leadership roles within their communities and churches, making a
lasting impact for the Kingdom of God.

continuous mentorship

We believe that “it takes a village” to raise and develop ministry leaders. Therefore, we emphasize
continuous mentorship in various aspects of personal and professional development. Our mentorship program covers:


Providing spiritual fathering to guide and support students in their faith journey.

character development

Fostering the growth of Christ-like character and integrity.

emotional care

Ensuring emotional well-being and resilience.

academic support

Offering academic guidance and assistance to help students succeed in their studies.

practical feedback

Providing constructive feedback on ministry practice to promote continuous improvement.
Through this five-fold approach, CCI Students is committed to equipping the next generation of ministry leaders with the knowledge, experience, and support they need to fulfil their God-given calling and transform their communities.





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